
3 March 2017

My Spiritual Albino Animal Series-Paintings in watercolour and Ink.

Yes it is a quick post this week, I'm just finishing up my application to Falmouth; wish me luck, I'm applying for the MA Illustration: Authorial Practice course and I am told, while it is an amazing course, it is a very popular one so I have to get my application in asap! 

So, short post this week, but still yummy! 

I thought I would share with you my Albino Animal series I created during December. I had a lot of fun with this one. There aren’t that many albino art works out there, and striving to be a little different, of course I chose to draw something to reconcile this. Where’s the love for the albinos people? 

After some research on albinos, the types of animals (which is all btw) can be albino and some reference studies, I got down to work. 

My first attempt was at an Albino Wale! Now I love wales at the best of times after going to Iceland and seeing the minke wale’s there. Beautiful creatures. 

My next subject, or animal was the moose. But of course it was, and unfortunately this moose looks a little more ‘dear’ like, but at Christmas times in December, I think people forgave me.

The third in the four piece series, is the Albino Buffalo. A Native American spiritual animal and very rare. Now this guy I liked a lot, though next time I might give him a herd, so he’s not so lonely. =p

And then there was one, but this one is my favourite. Albino Owl. Now I know he is a little intimidating, with those huge eyes, but I tell you I love him for that reason. 

This December I would love to do a few more albino animals to add to this collection. Then perhaps a comparison between styles would be an interesting post.

And how about you, do you have any suggestions on what animal I should draw? Don’t worry, we have a whole year near enough to decide. But please leave me a comment and let me know your thoughts! I would love to hear them

Until next time my lovelies,


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