
31 May 2013

I made this.....

                           I don't know what or why. 

                                                                  But pretty!

This is a micro shot of a deformed tulip, the colours and shapes were too interesting not to take a picture. The above image is two very similar photographs with slightly different focal points. Somehow  I ended up plastering the two atop of each other in Photoshop and started to mess around with the brushes that I have, and vola. A Chinese advert... at least that's what I think it looks like. 

This is another of the other tulip study micro photographs,  I changes the saturation colour slightly, which is why, I think,  I can not upload this one to fololibra, (Which I am in the process of creating) .


21 May 2013

Latest Drawings on the Computer

My latest creations on my white little mac that just wants to retire but i refuse to let it.  The above entry was originally for this years Red Bull competition, but, i think thanks to the time change my time slot got comPLETLY frelled up. So it didn't quite happen, which is a shame. There was going to be a lazer scanning the bar code on her temple, but that was apart of the other image that would have joined on to this one, so i had to leave it out. The Background on this one isn't the best I know, but I simply couldn't wait to have it finished and spewed this out. So i Will at some point revisit, but that day is not today.
And my wizzards!   arnt they just so cute. This was a little sketch that I wanted to colour in and mess around with the shading techniques on Photoshop. If you look closely, you'll notice that the "quantum's" of colour  don't exactly corresponds to reality..... but it still looks good. =)

14 May 2013

Drawing my backgrounds...

Today I'm drawing my latest set of backgrounds for one of the animations I'm working on; I've mentioned it on here before, 'Serious News' for The Guestlist.  And this scene has been deleted so I thought I'd share it with the world! The frame work was drawn by the wonderful talented Duane Oba in flash, and the colours were done by yours truly.

In addition to this; its so cute I had to share it. By bird warming up his butt on my Mac. Its good to know they have a multi purpose function.



12 May 2013

Shaddow and light

You guessed it, my next image from my second art class. YAY! This is a study into light and shadow, as the title suggests. A I mentioned to my tutor, I really want to get stuck into paining with oils as this is an area where I have not thought myself to do before.  And, aiming high, I want to be able to paint like Da Vinci, Piccasso and Van Gov. I know, set the bar low... but ambition!

This image took 3 hours like the previouse one, and was in pencil and even less rubber then last time. =3
